IRIS has the power mission to complete the circle of management in a Company thta is alive an active. Economic information will lead into better taking decisions and leaving ignorance behind. All the modules behing IRIS can bring financial registration to a completely integrated dynamic for the ERP technology.
General Accountancy
Basic Finances

IRIS introduces our customer to a very different financial platform. The patterns are standard, the operations are completely different. Financial managers often ask just for similar tools, although with IRIS this is definetly a total change. The result is based on a 30-year financial tech experience within a different point of view. We also integrate all the economical and tax management for the company.
Data is not registered for IRIS, all the information comes naturally from the all the commercial, administration and industrial platforms from OUI! where all data is introduced. With IRIS the accountacy is easily managed, is it not repetitive, is it automatically processed.
Advanced Treasury
Advanced Finances

IRIS feels responsible for the risks. The market is very competitive, requires much forethought, you have to be the first. Integrated management and control of risks at each stage of the operational business is offered by IRIS.
IRIS technology performs as a assistant to potential commercial blocks, notices the incidents in charges or as a regulator of the degree of financial guarantee we give to a customer, based on the historical evolution and the accumulated. We manage the full integration into IRIS to regulate activities that affect the economic basis of the company.
CashFlow Management
Basic Finances

Dealing with resources has a very strategic concern. We you arrnage financial aim it's all about the interests and the amount of money you owe. When you close a deal with a customer, the way you'll get paid, will define the resources to purchase and cope with the fixed costs of your Business. This module has de power to enlight you on how you are economically dealing about the resourcing. Havinf a forecast on what you can count on.
Activity with customers, suppliers and bank will establish a disposal for you to invest, advanced, pay or bill day by day. You need to always have in mind what are the capital resources whether you can act on your own, or have the need to go to a bank or why not, deal more efficiently de transactions with suppliers and customers.
Financial Analytics
Specific Finances

IRIS comes full with all the financial analysis a specific area in the software that provides the ability to manage financial analytics. What is more, you can analyse the details of the cost by centres with the specific location to the various accounts as you might have designed.
Through the equation dynamic technology users apply for participation and location as for calculations according to your needs. This operation is complex on the research, but adapts perfectly to the detail on the range variations of companies with highly differentiated products where company resources are applied differently.
Basic Finances

Banks are always on the spot when it's about finances. Economical status depend basically on how banks perfomr the loans and the credits. Companies have to deal with everyday communication with these entities and there is now other way. All the standard regulation from bank are taken into account with module.
The communication os the financial accounts, the movements, and the imposable fees, are fully traced with the technological advanced software. It will bring control on how bank perform, and integrate the information with the management in your company.
Dynamic Budget
Advanced Finances

Banks are always on the spot when it's about finances. Economical status depend basically on how banks perfomr the loans and the credits. Companies have to deal with everyday communication with these entities and there is now other way. All the standard regulation from bank are taken into account with module.
The communication os the financial accounts, the movements, and the imposable fees, are fully traced with the technological advanced software. It will bring control on how bank perform, and integrate the information with the management in your company.
Basic Finances

Governments are more an more concerned about Business. The tax and the Regulations are an everyday issues for any company in the world. This Module included in IRIS will have the capacity to overcome with the standard formats of communication with your Government Financial Departments.
We nowadays conceive regulation based in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the United Stated and Morroco. But if you require any other country, we have dealers who will integrate with IRIS the data connectivity to always have the papers right. This module also includes the updates of any financial regulation which is basic to rule the economic status of your Business.
Financial Consolidation
Specific Needs

Some companies, are more than one company. There is no problem with that, except for the fact that when it comes in terms of economical and financial status some exceptions might apply. As we are concerned about an ERP Technology, we aim to integrated not only a company, but a geroup of compamies into 1 real management status.
This module included in IRIS might be of your interest if you want to consolidate financial results of your several companies into one, reducing the mess of mutual activity, concerning gains and losses, and flow disposal thant could be reverted.
Ratio Management
Basic Finances

IRIS comes full with all the financial analysis a specific area in the software that provides the ability to manage financial analytics. What is more, you can analyse the details of the cost by centres with the specific location to the various accounts as you might have designed.
Through the equation dynamic technology an the RATIO tools platform users apply for participation and location as for calculations according to your needs. This operation is complex on the research, but adapts perfectly to the detail on the range variations of companies with highly differentiated products where company resources are applied differently.
Data Management
Basic Finances

At APM, we work with software-based technology. Both services and projects are still valuable intangibles for us. As we understand that financial management based on electronic data is essential to IRIS, Any of the operating circuits are designed to be virtualized, at all time through tools that enable the creation by the user of the listing and essays than can be required.
The documentation that is created through IRIS is prepared to travel through communications platforms that are accepted standards and formats without ever losing a moment in the printed documentation. We envision a technology that helps the user to be fast and economise in every way.