PICAM nació de la voluntad de hacer que nuestros clientes y usuarios sean más independientes de la actividad. Esta plataforma es bastante única. Destaca lo que la mayoría de los desarrolladores de software no quieren perderse: administración de las licencias en los usuarios, accesos, registro y una creación de informes avanzada pero simple.
User Managing
Basic ERP Stanrdad

PICAM has the main mission to become the engine of OUI! technology to make it work as a manager for the companies. One of the key-points is the self-sufficiency we offer to our customers and users. The ERP technology we offer is standard, but that does not make less approchable. We want our users to participate.
We have changed the perception of the administrator of the technology.
This time, it is you, not us. Through PICAM platform, users will be able to customise a huge number of fileds and tables, configurate by youself some aspects of the technology, create listings and essays on your own, registrate the users and the administration, the import and export of data whatsoever, manage the user under simultaneos operations, update the system. That only requires an initial training. The rest, is up to you.
Import Export
Basic ERP Standard

It it not stranger to us the need to work and exploit information. We understand any ERP Technology has to offers solutions when import or export movements are required. We have been workling really hard to simplify the processes of acquiring data from outsider platform, or converting data from our own database intro something exploitable in another platform.
PICAM has a module to empower any movement of this kinds. There are several areas you can follow to make everything from the inside of OUI! come outside in a standard format like ASCII, TXT, XML, HTML, EXCEL or any other format. We cannot assure you besides, the quality of the content, as it only dependens on the suer abilituy to check previosuly the format of the information.
Eyeware Technology
Advanced Tech

PICAM EYEWARE has been conceived as a real assistant to the risk situation of the company and as a warning note for the management in a departament. This technology will aware you when a data at a particular point of the ERP represents danger for your business. That is how we accomplish our expectations o making the users feel someone is whatching over everything that is being generated and what consequences bring to the everyday work.
The PICAM EYEWARE technology can execute pre-planned alarms or even spontaneous signs depending on what they have been designed. The importance of this technology is changing the percepction of the management technology we can offer to our clients. It onces was very rare to fins users who wanted to manage this technology. It is now one of the most acclaimed modules in our global portofolio.
BRIK+ Platform
Advanced Tech

A major distinguishing features of our management technology OUI! is how customer control the technology. PICAM is partly the great engine of the ERP. And one of the possibilities that gives customers is making them able to manage information from the inside out. We want you to be the true administrators not only of the technology but of the management's activity relied behind.
With this advanced module at PICAM, we fully open technology in that you may be able to run reports and query inffinite listings you want. There are no limitations, just trainning required. We provide the tools to edit queries and reports from any area of the ERP OUI!.
Protocol WebService
Specific Tech

A major distinguishing features of our management technology OUI! is how customer control the technology. PICAM is partly the great engine of the ERP. And one of the possibilities that gives customers is making them able to manage information from the inside out. We want you to be the true administrators not only of the technology but of the management's activity relied behind.
With this advanced module at PICAM, we fully open technology in that you may be able to run reports and query inffinite listings you want. There are no limitations, just trainning required. We provide the tools to edit queries and reports from any area of the ERP OUI!.
Insght Calling IP
Specific Tech

We have been working to integrate capacity to call from the inner part of our technology. It has not been an easy task as this kind of technology has been suffering dramatic changes during the last 5 years. Even though this situation, we have com with a new module that will let you make call right from the data base of OUI! Technological platform.
Not everybody might require this option, but we sitll believe calling systems should have to be more and more integrated into the management technology of companies. Do you by any chance know any company that does not call their customers, suppliers or collaborators?
Advanced Tech

When we talk about maximum security that might sound utopic. Nothing is 100% safe. That does not necessarily means through PICAM technology is not working better to offer more and better safety garantees to the users. The vulnerability of the information is always there as along as users let their information become public.
During the last years, we have worked hard to enrise the level of security access to the information. Within profile parametres that define the privileges of the users and the permissions to get to certain information. The Company is in total control of how the information is being consulted. That is the only way we know how to do it, even though sometimes it gets really hard to accomplish security braches online. We will not give up training in battling this issue out.
Forms Design
Basic ERP Standard

The only part in PICAM that will not lead into the users capacity. The design of the forms in a company will only depen on APM. After 40 years in the making we still believe it is the more efficent way to customise you corporate documentation. Everytime we have tried to let this technology was ruled by users, problem after problema was the only thing we got.
We have finally included this module as a part of the APM administration. The important thing: designers and programmers will turn your corportate doc into something magic and unique, but it will depend only on us. Need more reasons why? Let's have a call an chart it together.
MailShare Platform
Advanced Tech

Want EMAIL huge of information well organised? You have the all-new module in PICAM that will definetly brings you order and get you far from chaos. We have noticed over the years the problem that email organisation is in companies, specially when it's referred to how users and cleaning up their folders.
With PICAM MAILSHARE we identify each single email that is being sent or received and trace into the right folder, so no email will be dismissed or lost in translation. In particular, we control de domain registration to organise the incoming and outcoming emails, follow bakc strict access regulations and save it in a folder that will be spotted at one glance. It is important to say that depending on the configuration of the verification system for the email users, and the communications protocol, this tehcnology might no be operative at all.