La "A" porqué somos una factoría de Software y de Tecnología ERP. Todo que lo que ofrecemos a los clientes está diseñado y desarrollado por nosotros.
Nuestro Logo des de 1.992. Define nuestra filosofía en la integración técnica y apuesta por la tecnología como instrumento de mejora para la gestión de las empresas.

La "M" porqué entendemos el servicio como el elemento clave para que nuestra empresa tenga sentido. Damos Mantenimiento y BackOffice con recursos propios.
La "P" porqué en APM la ingeniería está metida en nuestro ADN. No entendemos nuestra visión de empresa sin proyectos avanzados con ingeniería propia para la indústria 4.0

SINCE 1.981
This is a great achievement for us. We have survived 4 decades in a world under a constant evolution. It is not only about selling products, but about making sense to what we do, when software is the key.

Not only OUI! ERP Technology implements the 1-data phylosophy, but APM stands for it too. We can give all the technology and services implied so you don't have to question who you have to go to for any inquiry: Software, Consulting, Hardware, Engineering, Claim Services.

No Software can escape the need to offer BackOffice services. Users are always demmanding about the use of the technology, solving issues, wanting assessment... and APM has it's own department to cover this everyday need.

We have always been here. Nearby you. We want you to locate us, always and everyday. At 2020, it is not about how big you are, but how efficiently you perform and clear you are about what you can do. Our down-to-earth attitude has always brough us beyond.

One of the things we have always wanted to keep in mind is the total control of our technology. It is the only way to survive to our customers requirements. That is why we design, analyse, develope and test all the technology.

It's been part of our DNA since the early 80's. Making the impossible, real. Automatisation of the information created in a machine, or by the worker in process. All engineering projects are build within OUI! Technology integration formula. Full Circle for our industrial curstomers.

How can our software tecnology work without the Hardware and Operative Systems? It cannot. That is why at APM we also bring the products, technology and services to integrate the Hardware structure into our umbrella. Ease any trouble in the running of you Systems with our expertise.

The trust of your partner may be determined by several factors. We undestand one of them is the financial soundness. We have been building our foundation since the beginning so our economic worth has been rising since the day 1. Our commitment to the company is our Main Investment through our goals.

Without our consulting team, ERP OUI! would mean nothing to our clients.