It's been a long way. Enough to consider our company a survivor and a trusted partnet.

People like you could easily use OUI® everyday. That means we are part of your life.

8M €
The avergae invoicing volume of our clients determines the grade of competency we offer.

It's a never ending story. Code line that turn into product. Never stop investing in it.

A team that is a family. Our people is the essence of our Business.

Throught the years we have been involver in all kind of projects. That learning is vital to offer you the best ERP Technology.
Since 1.979 APM has been involved in the world of software technology. The reasons were just for the purpose of automatising processes in companies that until then were only achievable manually.
From that moment on, our customers helped us become who we are now. Developing all the technology that make the everyday life of management a little bit easier, safer and brighter. The experience is based in all the mistakes that we have also made a part from the goals we have reached, it is a common balance between the cruelty of technology evolution and the enlightning status of software itself.
We have experienced so many ups and down during this four-decade running, but still we can tell the whole story. From totally customised software coding applications to a globally standard self-secured platform that enables all the advantages of filtering and configurations. That is not an easy ride, but it is a winning one.
We are completely sure Businesses deserved efficent software tools tu run their management. Is it the only way to take the aproppiate decisions and the right time. Market rules, but companies must be prepared to control all changes in real time.
Whatever concerns management, OUI!® ERP Tecnology has consolidates routines to let users access information of all kind in a single platform. That is the basis of our principles: software design to rule by 1-only data.
And the experience is still being built. But what we have kept in mind it to maintain a structure that provides services to our customers the way it is supposed to. Have a look at our percentual structure sharing, posting the reality of what is a priority:


We have been involved in this project for a long time, it's part of what we don't like. It' is not an easy quicky experience, but we have always felt suported and assessed with OUI! ERP.

Our choice was not an easy one because we took into account a lot of factors. We finally chose solid facts and left the brand away. We are now content with the choice.

APM has been our ERP partner for two decades. We can say we feel like they are part of our company, and we have been through a lots of ups and downs, because this kind of project need long-trusted relationships.

We believed in the technology of OUI! at once. Trying to make everyone happy is really impossible, but with time and culture-changing attitude we can now say it's part our high-skilled management.

We took a lot of time to take the decisions. We ened up trusting on the human part more than the technic side. After a few years of hard working it's fully operative and we just hope it will be for both for a long time coming.