Free products are sweet tooth. But companies end up getting more expensive. For us, the license-based remuneration exists not to obtain greater benefit but to maintain the continued quality in our technology from the hands of our analysts, developers and programmers who are the core-factor of our ERP. No more Some think that once you have the software published it is like having a chair made. Well, no. The technology of 2010 has little to do with that of 2020, and that, if not for the payment of the license, would not be possible. Basic guarantees of the future //

Investing in technology is hiring a continuous service to that technology. The contracting of the services associated with maintenance allows companies to see how the ERP platform evolves, progresses and improves over the years. Technical support in resolving doubts, queries and possible incidents by the supplier also becomes an essential issue. Maintenance is a global service concept as or more important than the operational and technical possibilities of management software.
I want it to measure! This is how we DO NOT work. At APM we have been developing custom software for 20 years, and precisely moving towards a standard technology has been one of the best decisions we have made; for us and for our clients. Although a priori it seems that a standard covers less the operational needs of the company, seen in perspective, is earned and much. The fact of adapting to a standard system gives, in broad strokes, competitive advantages of the future. It should be noted that if a standard tool gives options for parameterization, the value is multiplied.

We are sorry but we confirm the fact: perfect technologies DO NOT EXIST. We say it very loud and very clear to users who think that ERP technology can be perfect. Whatever the need, there will always be something that does not fit or does not just fit. It is no longer about having better or worse software, it is an inevitable circumstance in the design of any product: continuous improvement. We must not confuse a lack or an error with a way of understanding the design of the product.
It is true. The experience gives perspective, knowledge and consolidation margin of any product in the market. ERP software is no exception. In the case of APM, 40 years of experience gives us the benefit of having built a stable and robust technology with the experiences of projects to customers, and the willingness to improve our products. This value does not make you invincible, but it gives you security in what you can offer and NOT offer to your customers. You cannot ignore the value of a company that has been in the market for years, and more, in the world of software.